Our Little Pumpkin is here! A Birth Story
Our sweet boy is finally here! Last week, I felt like I was going crazy waiting for him. I shared on my last blog post about thinking it was "go time” only to be utterly disappointed. I was waiting around for something to happen and had really just gotten myself into a funk. Only 6 days before I had the feeling that my water had broken..long story short, I ended up in labor and delivery only to be sent home that same night. All the testing was negative and I felt very silly for thinking my forceful sneeze had caused my water to break. Fast forward to this past Monday morning, when I felt the most uncomfortable pull/pain in my stomach.
This pain was unlike any other I had felt before and as I got out of bed, I realized it could be my water breaking. Those thoughts were immediately squashed as I remembered my false alarm visit just days before.
Can’t believe he’s finally here!
It was 7 am, Peter was already at work and both of my girls were sleeping. I didn’t want to disrupt everyone’s schedule for another false alarm. So, I sat there for another hour and thought out a plan. I would’t make a big deal out of it. I called my mother in law and asked her to come watch the girls while I went to get checked. She was the only person I told. I didn’t even let Peter know I was heading to the hospital.
When I got there, the Ob ER doctor checked me and let me know that she felt my “bag was intact” but she was going to test the fluid. My initial thought was, “They’re gonna think I’m crazy!” I sat there and pondered my sanity a bit, when she walked back through the door. “Well, it looks like that was your water! We’re getting you a room ready right now.” I put my hands on my head and jokingly let her know that I was glad I wasn’t crazy. I called Peter and let him know that my water had broken. “I’m on my way home!” He exclaimed, to which I replied, “Well, I’m at the hospital already!”
I was taken to the delivery room and things progressed very quickly. I met my sweet L&D nurse, Jacy. She started my IV, drew my lab work and kept assessing how I was feeling. She was absolutely wonderful. It takes a special type of person to be a labor nurse, I am sure I talked her ear off when I introduced myself!
I was relieved when Peter arrived at 11 and I wished I would have let him know sooner. When Jacy asked if I wanted the epidural, my answer was immediate. YES! I’m no warrior! If there’s a way to birth a baby without pain, I’m all for it. After the epidural, I relaxed back and Peter and I chatted about the girls and our families and letting them know our status. Around 1 pm I could feel so much pressure and I knew it was time to push. I told Jacy about the pressure, she quickly assessed and said, “Yes, he’s coming!” She called my ob who ran in and got ready. Little man wasn’t waiting for anyone. After 5 pushes, he arrived. Healthy and perfect!! It was better than I could have ever imagined and to think that I thought it was just another false alarm! So thankful for the medical staff at the hospital and for my support system that all showed up for baby Rhett. We are so blessed to finally be a family of 5.
Amber Rosilez
Images by: @mybeautifulphotos2017
Baby boy has 3 momma’s
Party of 5