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Mom, Up Front

Several months ago, I was going through pictures of my first born and noticed that only a few photos existed of me and her. It made me think back as to why I hadn't included myself. Oh, that’s right, there were actually several reasons why and they were all because of my own insecurities…

  • I hadn't lost the baby weight yet

  • I just started the process of orthodontic reconstruction that I have needed for years

  • Had a toothless smile where an impacted tooth was slowly being brought into place

  • I didn’t care to focus on myself because I didn’t feel my best

I realized that one day she will look back on these memories and I felt a little guilty for keeping myself out of them. While I was working on "my journey” to a better me, I kept myself behind the camera.

For me it seemed like there was always a goal in sight. I would tell myself, “When I get my braces off, I’ll smile more and take more pictures.”

As a mom, I want my kids to look back and remember that time and place. Their memory would be of what we did, how it made them feel and the time spent together. They certainly wouldn’t say, “Look at mom’s braces and her jiggly belly.”

Do you always place yourself behind the camera?

Go out, make that memory and cherish it. Mom, get up front.